Sunday, March 20, 2011

Last Day of Spring Break :(

After a wonderful week full of sleeping until around 8am and lots of lounging around the house, Spring Break is coming to an end! Tomorrow is back to the grind of getting up at 6:30 every day, working out when I get home, back to the schedule and keeping the house clean, and hopefully the boys going down for nap and bed time easier because they will be back on schedule (ok so I guess it's not ALL bad). At least we spend this last weekend of Spring Break (and last weekend that Daddy has off on the actual weekend) having fun! Yesterday was a super lazy day. We just hung around the house, the boys played outside, Daddy made some dinner, we took a walk to the gas station and got some dessert! Doesn't get much better than that! Then today we lounged around until after nap time (and by me I mean everyone but me, I went grocery shopping and cleaned out the fridge) and then I took all 4 boys to a birthday party while Daddy studied and made dinner. After the party I stopped at my grandma's house to say hi (the party we went to was in the same neighborhood) and when we got home dinner was almost ready! The boys had a fun day and I think Logan really enjoyed his first ever Spring Break!

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