Saturday, April 30, 2011

Oh, Crazy Days

Good gracious! This past week has been crazy. Since Easter it seems like the Easter Bunny had thrown up all over the house. I'd clean up Easter messes (grass, trash, eggs, etc) and almost immediately there was more! I must say, that is one of the most frustrating things in the world. I clean and clean but nothing ever stays that way for long. I finally got a lot done yesterday and took before and after pictures to make myself feel better so I could see more of a difference.

Living Room BEFORE

Living Room AFTER


Toy Room AFTER

Kitchen BEFORE

Kitchen AFTER

Eating Area BEFORE

Eating Area AFTER

Boy Bathroom BEFORE

Boys Bathroom AFTER

Of course, that didn't last long either but at least it's better. I also got a lot of laundry done and put away. Now if I could just wrangle up these crazy, roudy boys I'd be good to go. Lately it seems like they are fighting more than usual and Jameson has been really cranky and clingy (oh and DROOLY! I think he's teething) so it seems like I can't really get anything done. The boys also haven't been getting any magnets because I can't get them to clean up AND do their chores every day. It's SO frustrating. FINALLY today we got some things accomplished! Although the attitude on all 3 of the bigger boys is just ridiculous... hopefully next week we can work on that and figure out what is going on with them. They are all making me insane.

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